Women’s Ultimate Guide to Girdle Belts - Hourglass Figure 101

A common problem of many people is visceral fat, or in other words, belly fat.

People try many different ways to get rid of their belly fat and improve their body shape such as special exercises focused on ABS and core, different types of diets, a belly belt, body shapers, belly bands, other stretchy shapewear / leggings and even physical interventions. Women are the main group trying to figure out their belly fat and belly support problems. As a natural and expected result of pregnancy, women may experience increased fat and sag in the waist area.

In this regard, the adjustable girdle belts are one of the methods used to get rid of fat, and tighten and fit in the postpartum recovery period. Products that can be called by many different names such as abdominal binder, waist belt, postpartum belly wrap, girdle, and fajas are in very common use today.

Girdle belts are products aim to shape the body made of soft or hard breathable material. Their flexibility can vary by product. It is thought to support the abdominal wall and muscle tissue by compressing the abdominal region. With these aspects, girdle belts appeal to many people and are used in different situations.

Luxx Curve Fitness Belt can be used for purposes such as removing increased postpartum abdominal fat, supporting the postpartum abdomen wall and abdominal muscles, supporting the abdomen after other major abdominal surgery, improving posture, eliminating waist and lower back pain, or giving the body an hourglass appearance, evenfor plus size wearers / sizes up to xxl.


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Sculpt Your Body with our Waist Trainers

We help women shed that stubborn belly fat by using body contouring garments that help support and shape the waistline so you can look fabulous and feel confident!

Postpartum Weight Loss in Women: Do They Lose What They Gain?

Pregnancy is the most special period for women in their lives. Significant changes are observed in the body, and some postnatal changes may be permanent for a while so pregnancy support is often required. In a healthy pregnancy, there can be about 11 to 16 kg of weight gain1. Although some of this weight is lost at birth, many women have a higher body weight after birth than they were before pregnancy.

Most of the time, the increased appetite during pregnancy and lactation may cause weight gain or difficulties in the weight loss due to the tendency to consume foods with high calorie content. Providing the body's increased caloric needs from healthy foods during breastfeeding plays an important role in losing weight after pregnancy. However, limiting calorie intake too much will also pose a risk to maternal health. Supporting the nutritional process with exercise can help the healthy weight loss process.

Considering that the body spends a lot of calories, especially during breastfeeding, a healthy body weight can be reached very easily with small changes. However, as an important point, the body may not achieve the desired appearance even if weight is lost after pregnancy due to sagging skin and deformations in the abdominal muscle.

Furthermore, many women want to get rid of increased abdominal fat especially after childbirth in terms of both health and physical appearance. They may even turn to maternity support belts and support bands. In particular, postpartum depression seems to be highly correlated with body image in women. A high rate of dissatisfaction with body image is observed in pregnant women who have postpartum depression, higher body mass index and weight gain during pregnancy. Therefore, both mental and physical body image improvement is necessary for a healthier motherhood period in order to improve postpartum depression in women. Girdle belts can be effective to improve postpartum body image.

What is Postpartum Binding?

Postpartum binding is a frequently used application because of the permanent postpartum weight gain in the waist region. In addition, during pregnancy, the separation of the muscles of the rectus abdominis, also known as the abdominal muscle = “six pack”, takes place. This separation can be measured by the “inter-rectus distance”.

In addition, due to this deformation in the muscles, abdominal strength and endurance decrease. Cosmetically, it negatively affects the appearance, body image and satisfaction in the abdominal region. It can also cause pain and discomfort.

Physiotherapeutic exercises are recommended for the recovery of these muscles. In addition, abdominal binders have also been shown to support the abdominal wall as an alternative to exercising. It is thought that it protects the newly formed collagen tissue during the recovery of the abdomen in the early postpartum period. Postpartum binding is a method used by women to support the recovery of these muscles and to get rid of abdominal fat. Postpartum waist belt application can be performed with the approval of the doctor.

In fact, in a recent study on this subject, exercise, waist belt / trimmer belt and combined applications were compared in women who gave birth. The results of the study show that the use of waist belts has significant improvements in physical appearance evaluation of women with or without exercise both in short time use such as 12 weeks or in long term results of 6 months. It has also decreased “inter-rectus distance” which shows the recovery of the muscle when it was used with exercise. Also, the endurance of the muscle was significantly increased with the use of abdominal binding with or without exercise combination. Furthermore, women’s waist circumferences were decreased by nearly 4-8 cm up to 6 months of use2. In this regard, Luxx Curve Fitness Belt is a product that aims to support you. Luxx Curve Fitness Belt can be helpful in shaping the body and supporting your abdominal area after childbirth.

Vaginal Birth vs C-section; Does it matter for girdle belt use?

Cesarean delivery is the most common abdominal surgical procedure in the world. Pain after cesarean delivery is one of the most common complications. Abdominal trauma may occur in women who have had a vaginal or cesarean delivery.

One of the most promising non-pharmacological interventions is the use of postoperative postpartum binding. The postpartum binding supports the surrounding abdomen and the surgical site. It can accelerate the return of the uterus and other organs to their pre-pregnancy positions, especially by compressing the abdomen and can help tissue repair by increasing blood flow. The benefits of using abdominal binders to reduce pain and improve mobility after major abdominal surgery are well known in the literature3.

Studies show that the use of postpartum binding after a cesarean section reduces pain and increases mobility4. It is seen that it can be used in the early postpartum period, but it is beneficial to start using it by consulting your doctor.

Not only for mothers but also for daughters: Posture help & Appetite Control

The abdominal belt can help improve your posture. Girdle belts, which can be developed from different types of soft and hard material, can improve your posture by providing lumbar support and keeping your spine straight. Good posture helps reduce the back pain. In most women, complaints of neck, low back pain and posture disorders can be seen. Girdle belts can be helpful in improving posture in this regard. The therapeutic effects of waist trainers in patients with chronic low back pain were also seen. Using a waist trainer for chronic lower back pain was observed to improve lower back pain and increase lower back support and muscle endurance for a short period of time with back support 5.

With its compression in the abdomen, it helps the body to return to its original position after pregnancy, and it is thought that it can provide appetite control in women who have not given birth and who are not pregnant. Improvements in physical appearance, on the other hand, can prevent emotional fluctuations characterized by binge eating syndrome by positively affecting the mood and motivation of the person. Luxx Curve Fitness Belt users are satisfied with its effect on physical appearance and body shaping. It will benefit you mentally and physically by helping you achieve the body image you want.

You Should not Overlook the Smart Use of Girdle Belts to Avoid Complications

In long-term use, digestive system complaints can be seen due to the constant pressure on the stomach and digestive system. Long-term and excessive compression of the stomach may cause reflux complaints, which are defined by the return of stomach acid to the oesophagus. After a meal, complaints such as indigestion can be seen due to increased abdominal pressure.

Due to the effect of girdle belt use on lung capacity during exercise, it may cause inadequate breathing. Therefore, it should not be preferred during heavy exercises. According to the studies, positive results have been obtained with the support of the abdominal muscle in the use of girdle belts for up to 6 months, but its use for longer periods may also cause muscle weakening. In addition, it is beneficial to start the use of a girdle belt in the early period after cesarean section or other major abdominal surgery operations, by consulting the doctor not to harm stitches and to avoid surgical complications. In order to avoid such complications, it would be beneficial to consult your doctor about the use of girdle belts after any surgical intervention or in case of possible digestive problems.


Over 250 Glowing Reviews!

Sculpt Your Body with our Waist Trainers

We help women shed that stubborn belly fat by using body contouring garments that help support and shape the waistline so you can look fabulous and feel confident!


Girdle belts and waist trimmers are the common method in people with abdominal fat.

It can be used both to lose weight & reduce waistline circumference and to support abdominal muscles, especially in women which have postpartum abdominal fat and muscle deformation. It is thought that the use of abdominal belts, with the approval of a doctor, can also improve postpartum pain in those who have given vaginal and cesarean delivery. In addition, using girdle belts may help the posture improvements and appetite control. It can decrease the lower back pain especially by supporting the spine. Luxx Curve Fitness Belt provides improvements in physical appearance and body perception, are preferred and recommended by women.

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