Growing up, you were probably told by your mother to sit properly. Still, when you are sitting at a desk or a table and you’re focusing on a task, it’s easy to forget about your posture. Sitting straight is often difficult if you already got used to having improper posture, and it can easily turn into an annoyance to even try to sit straight. Good posture can strengthen core muscles and improve the body shape.
Waist trainers can help as a posture corrector whilst helping you get that slimming hourglass figure and it can help to aid weight loss as it can flatten your stomach/waistline. This can help postpartum bodies. If you feel like it’s too much to sit straight by yourself, you should get an underbust waist trainer, often made from neoprene or latex. It will prevent poor posture and prevent potential back pain as a result. Of course, there’s more that goes into that. You might have to do physical activity as well to improve your bad posture. So, let’s find out more about the matter.
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We help women shed that stubborn belly fat by using body contouring garments that help support and shape the waistline so you can look fabulous and feel confident!
What Causes Bad Posture?
Most people attribute bad posture to the discomfort experienced when struggling to sit straight, or to the effort it takes to do it – still, there are different causes for it. When you maintain a good posture, you’re having a fitness form where the skeleton is properly supported by the body’s muscles.
Sadly, it’s not always easy to have a good posture. You might be developing some bad habits or you might have certain health problems that don’t allow you to sit properly. And sometimes, you don’t even have control over these issues. In other instances, you might be able to correct these problems, but you’re not doing it because you’re not even aware of them.
Injury and muscle guarding
Injuries can happen to anyone at any time. You never know when and how you can get injured, especially when you aren’t doing anything particularly dangerous. But when it happens, the muscles will spasm. This is a way for them to protect the vulnerable area during the healing process.
However, this also comes with some side effects: while protecting the area, they will cause pain and make it harder for you to move. Over time, if you keep getting injured and your muscles spasm, they will weaken.
Weakened muscles will make it harder for you to maintain a good body posture. On top of that, there will be an imbalance created between the muscles that protect the injury and the muscles that work normally. This can result in body posture aberrations.
It’s possible to solve this issue by treating it with a massage or physical therapy. And if you want to recover properly, then you need to take the treatment seriously. Physiotherapy and massage therapy can help bring back the optimal functioning of the muscles, especially after a period when they worked less than usual.
Muscle weakness
Some people have weak or tense muscle groups. In this scenario, it’s not uncommon to suffer from bad posture. What makes it worse is that pain will also start emerging.
This issue can occur when you maintain the same position every day, or when you perform certain tasks that put tension on your muscles very frequently. Using them unequally can also lead to this problem.
Daily bad habits
Good posture will quickly turn into a thing of the past after you experience muscle spasms. Muscles will be under tension, weak, and imbalanced. As a result, keeping a good position all the time is the most difficult challenge, as it may cause discomfort and you’re forced to sit in the wrong position instead.
Basically, the body will have no other option but to use other muscles when sitting, although they would not be as efficient. So, your body will still be able to do what it’s supposed to, only that it will have a compromised alignment.
Sitting at a computer/over your phone all day
Technology can be really fun to use and you might be tempted to spend all day in front of your computer or on your phone. However, using it for long periods can mess up your position. Your body alignment will slowly start getting worse.
Also, if you usually text a lot, it’s possible to develop an issue known as “text neck”. This is a condition where your neck is held in too much flexion or it bends forward for a longer time. Although you might be unaware of it at first, you’ll slowly feel pain because of it.
You might not even think that this is possible, but stress can also have an effect on your bad posture. In life, there are different reasons for stress, depending on each person and circumstance. Some individuals are always stressed because of work, while others find family life and chores stressful. Others have important exams coming up, and they are consumed by stress.
Well, the stress itself is not the only thing taking over. Bad posture can also happen. When you’re stressed, your body tenses. As a result, keeping a good, balanced position becomes harder and harder, and you end up sitting improperly. What’s worse is that this can increase all other symptoms you may be experiencing as well, like insomnia, headaches, and body pain.
Since you are not sitting properly, you’ll end up suffering from back pain due to tense muscles and joints. Body inflexibility will lead to this as well. Not to mention that this type of pain will be more common as time goes by, making it hard to live your life happily.
This is why you should get some help and solve both your stress issues and the back posture ones. Stress can cause an improper posture, and in return, a bad posture and the resulting pain can generate even more stress – so, it’s a never ending circle.
Stress can be managed once you are sure about the source of the problem, while back posture can be solved with a waist trainer corset.
Genetics also has a role to play in bad posture. Especially when it comes to children, there may be a lot of environmental and genetic factors behind their improper posture. For example, 3% of children across the world have idiopathic scoliosis.
Idiopathic scoliosis refers to a pediatric deformity of the spine that can make a child’s spine disfigured and cause a lot of pain as a result. What’s even more interesting is that girls are actually five times more likely to deal with a severe version of this problem than boys. The reasons for it are not known.
Severe spinal deformity can be passed down to children. The gene for this deformity is passed through DNA, and as a result, a child will end up with a spinal deformity that makes him/her sit improperly.
What Different Types Of Posture Problems Are There?
There are various posture problems that might affect individuals. Some of these problems are flatback, lordosis, kyphosis, forward neck or head, and swayback. Posture is part of your everyday life, and it affects how you feel physically and mentally. Good posture can help prevent shoulder and back problems, bring you support for chronic back pain, relieve migraines and neck tension, and give you more confidence and energy. Knowing your type of posture problem can help you fix it and get the amazing benefits that come from sitting properly.
Scoliosis is a very frequent problem that causes a deformed spine and, ultimately, an improper posture. Scoliosis comes in two types: the one where the pelvis is the one being rotated, causing a rotated spine, and the second one is where the spine has grown into a rotated position, resulting in a rotated pelvis. Whatever the case, scoliosis can limit the mobility of the spine to the side, in rotation, and to the front-back.
Sway back
Sometimes, sway back is also responsible for improper posture. The increased limb might occur due to the muscles in the front of the hip and/or thighs being short and stiff. They serve as compensation for the lack of stability of the postural muscles of the lumbar spine, pelvis, or hip. As a result, the pelvis will be in a forward-tilted position, which then ends up pulling the spine to an increased limb.
With the sternum being in a curved position or rigid, there may be more weakness. To make up for the reduced chest mobility, the body will take out more from the lower back mobility. In the end, this posture will tense and tire the lower back muscles.
Forward head
The forward head posture is also quite common. More often than not, this is the direct result of the positioning of the spine. When the chest is too rounded or the lumbar spine is too flat, there will be a spine bump. Therefore, the muscles in the lower part of the neck will end up having a stretched position, and the muscles in the upper part of the neck will become more tense and short as a result. When this happens, the head feels much heavier than normal, and thus both the upper part of the spine and the lower part of the neck have to work to keep the upright position of the head.
Forward rotated shoulders
Sometimes, forward-rotated shoulders can also be the reason behind an improper posture. They happen when there is a back-tilted pelvis. Usually, when the shoulders rotate forward like that, it is an indicator that you have short and tense chest muscles. Consequently, the muscles between the shoulders and on the back of the shoulders have to work hard to make up for the short chest muscles. In the end, the muscles will be tired, and this can end up in pain between the shoulder blades.
Flat back
Usually, a flat back is a problem that occurs due to a weak postural musculature of the pelvis/hip/lower back. As a result of the weakness, the pelvis ends up tilting backward, while the spine rounds backward and collapses. When dealing with this issue, you may be experiencing a lot of pain and fatigue.
Can Waist Trainers Improve My Posture?
Wearing shapewear, such as spandex, or a body shaper, such as a waist trainer (not a corset!) – like our Luxx Curves ones – can benefit your posture and the health of your spine. Owning one of these waist trainers can change your life for the better. The bones in the waist trainers are flexible and are able to correct the posture without causing any damage in return. Others can be found on Amazon.
Basically, the bones in the waist trainers are very strong. As a result, they can hold your tummy in place, while offering resistance and staying strong. If you’re suffering from back pain due to bad posture, you can rest assured that one of our products will improve your life. Slouching will feel uncomfortable and will be quite hard while wearing a waist trainer, but it will have a good effect on your lower back pain.
On top of lowering the pain, waist trainers will also aid in developing stronger back muscles and a stronger core. Joint weakening in the spine will be prevented, and the same can be said about the damage on the connecting ligaments. On top of that, you will not be as likely to experience conditions like arthritis or osteoporosis.
If you suffer from scoliosis, then you can also use one of our waist trainers. Of course, it’s always important to talk to your physician before you start waist training, but if you’re allowed to use one, your scoliosis pain can be decreased. Using a waist trainer or waist cincher will also help align the spine thanks to its composition, training it to remain in a straight position.
The best waist trainer will even prove to be useful when you are working at the office. If you tend to sit improperly at the desk, you will end up experiencing back and neck pain. Waist trainers will help align your back and keep a better posture while you’re sitting at your desk. Not only that, but your shoulders will also be forced into an upright position and your back will be straight. If you do this regularly, then your bones and joints will get used to this position and you’ll be able to keep it even without the waist trainer, preventing any pain or issues that might arise.
Exercises That Improve Bad Posture
At this point, you’re already aware of the importance of maintaining a good posture. Once you realize that you’re not sitting properly and that your position is causing back pain, you should work to improve it. Thankfully, using a waist trainer can help, but doing some exercises can also be of great help.
There is a vast number of exercises that can help fix your posture and make sure you will not experience pain in the future as a direct result of the way you’re sitting. Below are some exercises that you should incorporate into your routine to help you sit properly.
Child’s pose
This pose is a great breathable one as it stretches your glutes, hamstrings, and spine, and lengthens them. If you feel your neck and lower back tensed, then this pose can help you out.
Start by keeping your knees side by side while sitting on your shin bones. The big toes must touch and the heels should be positioned out to the side. Then, go forward and bend from your hips with the hands placed in front. You should then pull the hips back with your thighs touching your feet. If you can’t do that, take a pillow and place it under your thighs.
Next, your head should turn to one side or put the forehead on the floor. Extend your arms or let them rest close to your body. Take very deep breaths. Make sure to spend about 5 minutes relaxing in this pose, while breathing deeply the whole time.
Cat-cow is also very useful when you have a bad posture. It helps by stretching and massaging your spine. Furthermore, it relieves tension in the shoulders, torso, and neck. Another advantage is the blood circulation boost.
To get into this position, you should sit on your knees and hands and make sure to balance your weight on all 4 points. Look up and inhale, while extending your spine and lowering your abdomen toward the floor as you do that. Next, arch the backbone and exhale, and then put your chin into the chest. Keep doing this move for one minute.
Hip flexor stretch
You could also try the hip flexor stretch. It involves kneeling onto your right knee with the toes down and then putting your left foot in front of you, lying flat on the floor. Put both of your hands on your left thigh and then press your hips forward until you feel a good stretch in the hip flexors.
Then, contract the abdominals and then tilt your pelvis back slightly. The chin should stay parallel to the floor during this. After 20-30 seconds of keeping this pose, you should switch sides.
Chest opener
Chest opener exercises are also easy and helpful. You should do them by clasping your hands behind your back and then pushing down towards the ground while reaching your arms away from the back of your body.
Afterward, open your chest and lift your head. This should create a stretch across your chest. Hold this for about 5 breaths, after which you can release.
Planks are not just for ab workouts – they are also great when you want to improve your posture. Now, there are different types of planks. One of them is the high plank, and another one is the side plank.
To perform a high plank, you should be down on your knees and hands and maintain your legs straight. Keep your hips and your heels up. Then, maintain a straight back and use your arm, abdominal, and leg muscles. The back of the neck should be lengthened. Make sure to look at the ground while softening your throat. Then, pull the shoulders back while keeping the chest open. Stay in this position for 1 minute, then repeat.
For the side plank, start with the previous position (the high plan one), but put the left hand in the center. Then, move position so that your left hand supports your entire weight. Your hips should be lifted and your ankles stacked. Put the right hand on the right hip and then lift it to the ceiling. If you need some back support, you can put the left knee on the floor.
Next, use your glutes, side body and abdominals while staying in this pose. Keep your body straight from your heels to your head. Look either up at your hand or in front of you. Stay in this position for 30 seconds.
Downward-facing dog
For body balance, you can try the downward-facing dog pose. Basically, you will bend forward, which will prove to be very useful in aligning and strengthening the muscles on your back, but also in relieving back pain.
Start this position with your midsection on the ground. Then, keep your toes under your feet and use your hands to maintain your weight and lift your body. Your heels should be up as well. Then, pull your hips and knees so that your sitting bones are up. Keep your back straight and the knees slightly bent.
Next, keep your upper arms along your ears. You could also put your chin into the chest. Keep your hands on the floor and press into them to lift your heels a little bit. Maintain this position for 1 minute.
Over 250 Glowing Reviews!
We help women shed that stubborn belly fat by using body contouring garments that help support and shape the waistline so you can look fabulous and feel confident!
Waist training can be very useful for that hourglass shape when you are sitting improperly. Thanks to its lacing construction, regular exercise in it can give you posture support and can sometimes aid in scoliosis cases. In less severe cases of scoliosis, it can even train the spine to stay straight.
Exercising can also help you keep a good posture and ensure your back is as straight as a board. So, do not hesitate to add waist training to your routine to maintain the health of your spine and prevent back and neck pain.