If You Knew What Was Contained In Your Foods....

Dolls, I'm about health and fitness. Anything and everything that has to do with taking care of yourself, feeling good about yourself, and most important... being yourself. 

I know that real health starts from within. It starts from loving who you are and taking care of what you have. Our body needs attention and it needs to have the right health products given to it on a daily basis.

Waist trainers are a great addition because it helps to bring out the effects of true health and our best looks. But what I've found is that the combination of healthy eating, fitness and using a waist trainer is a winning formula for true beauty.

That's why I've let you know what I avoid at all costs when it comes to foods in this video.

Here's Where Your Health Starts

I used to eat foods that I "thought" were healthy for me. And then I realized, it was a trend or a craze that was based on missed information and facts that weren't necessarily going to work for my body health.

It's really important to be smart about what you eat and how you approach your diet. It will help with your waist training, energy levels, anti-aging and tons of other benefits that you need to stay healthy for a lifetime.

Here's what you want to watch out for when you are looking at eating right.

1. What's In a Label? I know that most of us grew up with GMOs and other preservatives that we think are "okay." You would be amazed at how many problems there are with GMOs. In my video, I'll show you exactly what the issues are and what you need to look out for.

2. Sugar Cravings.... Watch the sugar, Dolls! I know that every once in a while we crave chocolate or sweets and maybe we even grew up with sugar as a way to calm ourselves. Even if you watch sugar, be careful of other added ingredients as other forms of sugar. I'll let you know exactly what to look out for and why it can be detrimental for your health.

3. The Fat Is In! Who would have ever thought that researchers would say that fats are good for you! In the 1980s, any form of fat was "bad". Now, it's not. But, it depends on the type of fats you are using and how you use them. Calculate what you are using, when and how when it comes to fat, and you will be healthier than ever before.

4. But These... Out. I'll let you know what else you need to avoid when it comes to labeled ingredients and what you need to watch for. You'll see some important tips up to the end of what should be out of your diet. 

I always recommend that everyone has a blood test done and also looks at their sensitivity to foods. It will lead you on a healthier track to better eating and will give you the insight you need. That way you know what you need personally to avoid and to enjoy. :)

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